Tick Control

People often ask me why they are still getting ticks on their dogs even after treating for them. The reasons for tick control failure are many and often it is necessary to simply go through step by step why it doesn’t seem to be working.
Ticks are prolific breeders, with each female tick producing around 3,000 eggs. They spend much of their life off the dog, in the bush, the yard or your house. While ticks are most prolific in the wet and build up they do breed all year round.
Unfortunately finding one or two ticks on your dog can be normal and impossible to totally prevent. Even with the best of available tick control products your dog can still pick up a few ticks from outside sources and no product kills the ticks instantly, so newly arriving ticks may be seen on your dog before they die.

Not all tick control products are equal, some work a lot more effectively than others. Shampoos, rinses and dips may kill the ticks on the dog but the next day there might be a new lot attaching. Weekly hydrobaths might sometimes work but usually it is necessary to use something longer acting. Monthly tick injections or one of the top spots like Frontline or Advantix last for a month and are usually very effective if used properly. Tick collars can be very effective but they need to stay dry.

In some cases ticks arrive in such hordes that it is necessary to declare all out war on ticks. In severe infestations I would recommend tick injection in combination with another good product for maximum on the dog kill as well as getting the house and yard sprayed for environmental control. Once the ticks are under control long term prevention with tick injections or a spot on is usually sufficient.