
How many of us have had to vacate a room or car in a hurry when a grinning canine has made the air unbreathable. Flatulence, although more commonly called by other names, is a normal part of digesting food. When food is digested gas is produced and must be expelled through one end or the other. Some dogs however produce a lot more gas that is a lot more potent than other dogs. If your dog is particularly good at producing room clearers then here are a few things to consider.

Check their diet. Some foods particularly some canned foods and those containing Soya beans are notorious for producing gas (Just like baked beans). Try changing your dogs diet to one of the premium dog foods that do not contain soy products. Adjust their diet slowly though as many dogs are particularly smelly after a sudden change in diet. Just like people, the better quality the food the better the result.

Slow down the eating – many dogs are enthusiastic about their food and swallow it very quickly. With the gulping they often swallow lots of air which later comes out the other end. Feeding your dog smaller meals more often can slow them down. If you have more than one dog, feeding them separately in separate bowls with some distance apart will slow down the feeling of competition and minimize the risk of fights as well as encouraging the dogs to relax.

A change in the type of bacteria can also help. Adding a probiotic (good bacteria) to their food can help replace the gas forming bacteria with more friendly sorts. You can talk to your vet about these.

Finally flatulence usually means the dog needs to empty out so take it outside or for a walk so it can. If the flatulence starts suddenly for no apparent reason or is accompanied by other symptoms you should always seek your Vets advice.