Dr Stephen Cutter treating a dog in a remote indigenous community with helpers.
Is the dog population in your community large and out of control? Have you seen enough of itchy scabby dogs? Too many puppies? Too many dog fights?
The Ark Animal Hospital are the leaders in providing culturally-sensitive dog health services to remote Indigenous communities.
The people of the Ark Animal Hospital have been delivering dog health programs in the Northern Territory for over 10 years. We have done valuable work in many communities across the Territory, Queensland and Western Australia.
We pride ourselves in delivering cost effective and culturally appropriate outcomes. We work according to AMRRIC (Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities) principles – engaging the community members to enable excellent compliance rates.
The Ark Dog Health programs aim to be culturally sensitive. Our experienced staff are respectful, co-operative and enthusiastic. We are happy to train local people in the areas of dog control and health.
In dog health programs we offer a range of veterinary services. These include:
- parasite control (mange, worm and tick treatment)
- surgical desexing
- contraceptive injections
- euthanasia of unwanted animals
- or a combination of these services.
The Ark Animal Hospital usually provide an experienced vet, a highly interactive vet nurse, and veterinary drugs – all at a flat daily rate. With the aid of a local liaison officer to encourage community co-operation, average outcomes in a working day are highly successful with many desexings and ivermectin treatments (internal and external parasite treatment). Other services provided include chemical desexing, euthanasia and a final report. Our rates are fully negotiable depending on the requirements of a community, provision of facilities and community support.
The Ark Animal Hospital staff have a sound understanding and wide experience of dog health programs and encourage capacity building animal management officers.
We are more than happy to discuss your community’s priorities with you, with the aim of providing a service relevant to your community’s situation.
Please Contact Us to discuss your community’s needs.

A recently treated dog in an indigenous community with his owners